Park Fuels Ltd. and LeRoy’s Heating Services Ltd. are committed to the safety of our customers and employees; including the prevention of the accidental loss of any of its resources. We will ensure our Health and Safety policy is renewed annually with the input from all of our employees.
In fulfilling this commitment management will provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment in accordance with industry standards and in compliance with legislative requirements. We will strive to eliminate any foreseeable hazards which may result in property damage, accidents, or personal injury/illness.
The companies confirm their commitments to the provincial Occupational Health and Safety Act, Work Safe New Brunswick, the New Brunswick Construction Safety Association and the Health and Safety standards & guidelines of our customers.
No job is to be regarded so urgent that time cannot be taken to do it in a safe manner.
The companies are COR (Certificate of Recognition) certified with New Brunswick Construction Safety Association. Further, the companies conduct Health and Safety orientations for all new employees, regular employee training programs and regular meetings of the companies’ Joint Health and Safety Committee will be held.
We recognize that the responsibility for health and safety is shared. All employees will be equally responsible for minimizing accidents within our facilities and on our work sites. Safe work practices and job procedures will be clearly defined in the company’s Health and Safety Manual for all employees to follow.
Accidental loss can be controlled through good management in combination with active employee involvement. Safety is the direct responsibility of all managers, supervisors, employees, and contractors. Our philosophy is that the well-being of our company and clients is dependent on the health and safety of our workforce.
The Officers of Park Fuels Ltd. / LeRoy’s Heating Services Ltd. promise that every reasonable precaution in all circumstances will be taken for the protection of all workers. No job is to be regarded so urgent that time cannot be taken to do it in a safe manner. The welfare of the individual is our greatest concern.
All management activities will comply with company safety requirements as they relate to planning, operation and maintenance of facilities and equipment. All employees will perform their jobs properly in accordance with established procedures and safe work practices.
Disregard or willful violations of this Policy by employees at any level, may be considered cause for disciplinary action in accordance with the company’s policies.
*The safety information in our policy does not take precedence over Occupational Health and Safety legislation. All employees will be familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (current edition).